What is WRAP®?
Wellness Recovery Action Planning, known as WRAP®, is a program in which participants identify internal and external resources for facilitating recovery, and then use these tools to create their own, individualized plan for successful living (Copeland 1997). The creation of a WRAP® plan generally begins with the development of a personal Wellness Toolbox, consisting of simple, safe, and free or low-cost self-management strategies such as a healthy diet, exercise, sleep patterns, and pursuit of adult life roles (Copeland 2004). The person then uses this Toolbox to create an individualized plan for using each strategy to obtain and maintain their recovery. WRAP delivered using to the Copeland Center’s curriculum is considered by SAMHSA as an evidence-based program and practice.
The WRAP® Program involves an educational and planning process that is grounded in Mental Health Recovery concepts such as Hope, Education, Empowerment, Self-Advocacy, and Interpersonal Support and Connection. Within a group setting, individuals explore self-help tools (such as relaxation, stress reduction techniques, peer counseling, and focusing exercises) and resources for keeping themselves well and for helping themselves feel better in difficult times.
Our WRAP® Team
The Fairfax County WRAP® Program includes 30 Copeland Center Certified WRAP® Facilitators who provide 35 workshops throughout the year. Each workshop consists of 8 wellness education classes. Workshops meet at sites throughout Northern Virginia. You do not have to be a CSB consumer to attend. The only requirement is for the individual to express an interest in attending.
WRAP® Facilitator Training
The Team also offers Facilitator training twice a year, conducted by the team's Copeland Center Certified Advance WRAP® Facilitators. Before attending the facilitator training, it is expected that you have familiarity with the different parts of WRAP® through completion of one of the following; A Copeland Center Correspondence Course, a 2 or 3 day Seminar WRAP® Course/Workshop, an 8 or 12 week WRAP® Workshop/Group. Contact us HERE to find out more and ask when the next training will be scheduled.
WRAP® Facilitator Refresher Training
Spend two days with the Fairfax-Falls Church WRAP® Team's Advanced Facilitators earning your recertification to strengthen your skills as Mental Health Recovery Educator and WRAP® Group facilitator. This course models the behavior of a facilitator in a WRAP® class and stresses authenticity and unconditional high regard, as well as a strong set of values and ethics to guide your work. The Copland Center requires that active WRAP facilitators must be become recertified every two years. A prerequisite is completion of the Seminar II course conducted by a Copeland Certified WRAP® Facilitator. Contact us HERE to find out more and ask when the next training will be scheduled.